A View From DC

Julio Barreto, Journalist and Successful Entrepreneur


Julio Barreto said...

Carl has been a godsend with his ability to help me translate my ideas into a social media product. His ability to explain how to set up the site, how to post and utilize the various elements of social media have been extremely helpful in having me rethink my on-line strategy for my various ventures. He is also very patient which is important to me. I am not a "sophisticated" on-line person. Many of my questions are basic and sometimes off the wall but he believes no question is a bad question and answers each one calmly and professionally.

His answers and ideas always coincide with my ideas. By that I mean, he doesn't try to sell me his idea, he tried to find the right approach to fit my idea. If technology does not allow for what I want to do, he figures out the next best thing.

I have been complimented many times about my blog. It has helped increase my exposure within my target population and recently it helped me secure a speaking engagement where the client rearrange their program to accommodate me after reviewing the site.

He has also turned me into a social media demon as I am now peppering him with questions and ideas. I am looking forward to continuing to hear his new ideas for my future ventures.

I highly recommend his services to anyone considering using his services. It will be time and money well spent.

Carl E. Reid said...

Thank you Julio for your kind words. I look forward to continuing our relationship with me helping you to develop more branding and marketing opportunities by leveraging social media tools on the Internet.

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